







      Thirdly, social participation refers to the activities of peaceful elites to integrate with the local community and to actively involve them in the process of peace building. It involves the collaboration of the locals in order to gain their trust and thus, persuade them to support peace initiatives. Fourthly, military actions can also be used by peaceful elites to gain the enemies’ trust. This includes sending troops or supplies to the enemies’ side, which will help them feel more secure and willing to cooperate. Last but not least, propaganda is another effective way for peaceful elites to get their message across. Through publicity campaigns, such as press releases, TV shows and radio programs, peaceful elites have been able to spread the news to a wide audience and thus, gain attention from those who are against their goals.

      All in all, peaceful elites have been employing a variety of clever tactics to charm their enemies and ensure that both sides can reach an agreement. With the use of economic beggars, cultural blending, social participation, military action, and propaganda, peaceful elites have been successful in achieving their goals and promoting world peace.
